Monday, April 21, 2008


First step to success-Conquering my fear…

I am Humaira Omar and I fear public speaking. There I said it. Just as a gambler makes a confession I stand here today and I confess I had a fear of public speaking.
And I am proud to admit that I am now over my obsession of public speaking. I heard of this group who meet every Friday to help people like us and hey here I am in front of you and confident so this should speak for itself. Did you know that according to studies when asked what people fear the most the first was public speaking then came death? Could that be right first public speaking before death. Surely that sounds absurd. So that means that to a normal person going to a funeral would mean you better of in a casket than doing the eulogy. I’ve often heard people say ‘id rather die than give a speech’ my toastmaster leaders the nation is in great need of you as if I have survived then there is definitely hope for you.

This wonderful cure to my sickness is called toastmasters. A youth leadership programme, which helped me, overcomes my fears of public speaking. In the past extracting a tooth was more pleasurable than saying a speech. You know how everybody is born with a gift well lets just say that public speaking was never one of mine. Every time I was called upon to say a speech I would feel my knees turn to jelly and I felt the entire room caving in on me. And every time had to say a speech I would think of the poor kids in India who have to work 18 hours a day and do not have access to an education and even all that couldn’t help me appreciate the idea of standing up and giving a speech. I could never understand the idea behind public speaking. But that was probably because I did not realize how important eloquence is. I now know the importance of being able to stand up and say something that makes an impact and that makes a point. I now know how important presentation is and that we can either make or break it via presentation.

I have realized that personality is important and what you say and the way you say it speaks volumes of yourself. Toastmasters have taught me not only the importance of saying it but also the importance of saying it properly. Really I do not object to people looking at their watches when I am speaking. But I do strongly object when they start shaking them to make sure they are still going. So all of you looking at your watches stop right now:) yes I have learnt that it is s important to get to everybody’s attention and not to bore them to sleep.

Throughout the history of public speaking, there have been certain speeches, and speakers, who have stood above the rest. An example would be the Martin Luther King speech. When Martin Luther King said he had a dream the world that heard him all wanted to have a dream and today I have a dream. And my dream is to be a good public speaker.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank toastmasters for helping me overcome my fears and no more make a trip to the dentist more appealing than my English class. I would like to take this opportunity to thank toastmasters for teaching me the true meaning of confidence and self-respect. For teaching me that nothing is impossible if you make an effort. Today I realize that you should reach for the moon and if you miss its ok. You will land amongst the stars. I have learnt that in life you can either be a shepherd or sheep, you can either be a driver or the passenger. But it is up to you either walk a path followed or lead to a path that was never followed and you can leave a trail. You can have the choice and I want to be a leader. I want to make things happen.
I leave you with the wise words of Khalil Gibran ‘the significance of a man is not in what he attains but in what he longs to attain’

Even though this was an uphill struggle, and there were many hurdles to cross I now understand the true importance of breathing and the art of practice I am proud to say I am Humaira Omar. I came. I saw and I conquered…

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