Monday, April 21, 2008
First step to success-Conquering my fear…
I am Humaira Omar and I fear public speaking. There I said it. Just as a gambler makes a confession I stand here today and I confess I had a fear of public speaking.
And I am proud to admit that I am now over my obsession of public speaking. I heard of this group who meet every Friday to help people like us and hey here I am in front of you and confident so this should speak for itself. Did you know that according to studies when asked what people fear the most the first was public speaking then came death? Could that be right first public speaking before death. Surely that sounds absurd. So that means that to a normal person going to a funeral would mean you better of in a casket than doing the eulogy. I’ve often heard people say ‘id rather die than give a speech’ my toastmaster leaders the nation is in great need of you as if I have survived then there is definitely hope for you.
This wonderful cure to my sickness is called toastmasters. A youth leadership programme, which helped me, overcomes my fears of public speaking. In the past extracting a tooth was more pleasurable than saying a speech. You know how everybody is born with a gift well lets just say that public speaking was never one of mine. Every time I was called upon to say a speech I would feel my knees turn to jelly and I felt the entire room caving in on me. And every time had to say a speech I would think of the poor kids in India who have to work 18 hours a day and do not have access to an education and even all that couldn’t help me appreciate the idea of standing up and giving a speech. I could never understand the idea behind public speaking. But that was probably because I did not realize how important eloquence is. I now know the importance of being able to stand up and say something that makes an impact and that makes a point. I now know how important presentation is and that we can either make or break it via presentation.
I have realized that personality is important and what you say and the way you say it speaks volumes of yourself. Toastmasters have taught me not only the importance of saying it but also the importance of saying it properly. Really I do not object to people looking at their watches when I am speaking. But I do strongly object when they start shaking them to make sure they are still going. So all of you looking at your watches stop right now:) yes I have learnt that it is s important to get to everybody’s attention and not to bore them to sleep.
Throughout the history of public speaking, there have been certain speeches, and speakers, who have stood above the rest. An example would be the Martin Luther King speech. When Martin Luther King said he had a dream the world that heard him all wanted to have a dream and today I have a dream. And my dream is to be a good public speaker.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank toastmasters for helping me overcome my fears and no more make a trip to the dentist more appealing than my English class. I would like to take this opportunity to thank toastmasters for teaching me the true meaning of confidence and self-respect. For teaching me that nothing is impossible if you make an effort. Today I realize that you should reach for the moon and if you miss its ok. You will land amongst the stars. I have learnt that in life you can either be a shepherd or sheep, you can either be a driver or the passenger. But it is up to you either walk a path followed or lead to a path that was never followed and you can leave a trail. You can have the choice and I want to be a leader. I want to make things happen.
I leave you with the wise words of Khalil Gibran ‘the significance of a man is not in what he attains but in what he longs to attain’
Even though this was an uphill struggle, and there were many hurdles to cross I now understand the true importance of breathing and the art of practice I am proud to say I am Humaira Omar. I came. I saw and I conquered…
I am Humaira Omar and I fear public speaking. There I said it. Just as a gambler makes a confession I stand here today and I confess I had a fear of public speaking.
And I am proud to admit that I am now over my obsession of public speaking. I heard of this group who meet every Friday to help people like us and hey here I am in front of you and confident so this should speak for itself. Did you know that according to studies when asked what people fear the most the first was public speaking then came death? Could that be right first public speaking before death. Surely that sounds absurd. So that means that to a normal person going to a funeral would mean you better of in a casket than doing the eulogy. I’ve often heard people say ‘id rather die than give a speech’ my toastmaster leaders the nation is in great need of you as if I have survived then there is definitely hope for you.
This wonderful cure to my sickness is called toastmasters. A youth leadership programme, which helped me, overcomes my fears of public speaking. In the past extracting a tooth was more pleasurable than saying a speech. You know how everybody is born with a gift well lets just say that public speaking was never one of mine. Every time I was called upon to say a speech I would feel my knees turn to jelly and I felt the entire room caving in on me. And every time had to say a speech I would think of the poor kids in India who have to work 18 hours a day and do not have access to an education and even all that couldn’t help me appreciate the idea of standing up and giving a speech. I could never understand the idea behind public speaking. But that was probably because I did not realize how important eloquence is. I now know the importance of being able to stand up and say something that makes an impact and that makes a point. I now know how important presentation is and that we can either make or break it via presentation.
I have realized that personality is important and what you say and the way you say it speaks volumes of yourself. Toastmasters have taught me not only the importance of saying it but also the importance of saying it properly. Really I do not object to people looking at their watches when I am speaking. But I do strongly object when they start shaking them to make sure they are still going. So all of you looking at your watches stop right now:) yes I have learnt that it is s important to get to everybody’s attention and not to bore them to sleep.
Throughout the history of public speaking, there have been certain speeches, and speakers, who have stood above the rest. An example would be the Martin Luther King speech. When Martin Luther King said he had a dream the world that heard him all wanted to have a dream and today I have a dream. And my dream is to be a good public speaker.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank toastmasters for helping me overcome my fears and no more make a trip to the dentist more appealing than my English class. I would like to take this opportunity to thank toastmasters for teaching me the true meaning of confidence and self-respect. For teaching me that nothing is impossible if you make an effort. Today I realize that you should reach for the moon and if you miss its ok. You will land amongst the stars. I have learnt that in life you can either be a shepherd or sheep, you can either be a driver or the passenger. But it is up to you either walk a path followed or lead to a path that was never followed and you can leave a trail. You can have the choice and I want to be a leader. I want to make things happen.
I leave you with the wise words of Khalil Gibran ‘the significance of a man is not in what he attains but in what he longs to attain’
Even though this was an uphill struggle, and there were many hurdles to cross I now understand the true importance of breathing and the art of practice I am proud to say I am Humaira Omar. I came. I saw and I conquered…
Brief introduction:
My name is Humaira Adam Omar. I am currently in grade 11a. I attend Roshnee Islamic School. My view on life is that one should enjoy life. What’s the point of living life if you are too afraid to take any chances? Life is a journey. You should enjoy the ride and you can only do that if you learn to take risks. You never know . . . maybe it could be the best risk you have ever taken. Everyone has dreams. You should learn to fulfill your dreams because nothing comes on a golden platter. You have to work hard to make something out of your life. Don’t give up the first time you try. Every time you fall down, get up and try again. You will definitely succeed. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest. So start enjoying every moment in life. You only live once so make the best of it while you can. Don’t leave things for tomorrow because you never know if tomorrow will ever come. Stop trying to be someone you are not. Learn to be content with what you are. Nobody is perfect. We all have flaws. The key is to stop pointing out our flaws and start looking at our pros. Stop following everyone else. Start making your own choices in life. No one is ugly. Allah made everyone beautiful. We all are beautiful in our own ways. Start making the effort of being happy and happiness will come to you. Nothing is permanent in this world. We all are going to fade away some day or the other. Nothing goes with you to your grave except your deeds. So stop worrying about all the worldly things. It’s not worth it nor is it of any importance.
Personal Lifestyle Plan:
· I’m too lazy
· I’m very shy. I have a fear of public speaking.
· I hate being told what to do and I hate people telling me “no”
· I have a very short temper. I get angry and moody very fast.
· I never do things on time.
· I always postpone things to the last minute.
· I have a problem with thinking on the spot and impromptu speaking.
· I don’t mind experiencing new things. Life is a journey. If I only stick to one same old principle in life, how can I enjoy my life?
· I’m game for anything.
· I learn fast.
· I have big dreams, which I intend to fulfill.
· I create my own styles. I don’t go with old school all the time.
· I’m a girl with quite a few talents.
· I love working with numbers.
· I can multi-task.
· I can go into many fields of studies.
· I’m very broad-minded.
· I’m modern so I won’t have a problem with doing things, which are not against my beliefs and principles.
· I have my parent’s support of pursuing my career.
· Even though I’m very shy, I can make friends very easily.
· I create roads for myself. I don’t follow everyone else’s roads.
· I have a good taste for fashion.
· I can’t talk in public.
· My parents wont allow me to study overseas. They will allow me to study anything, but only in Gauteng.
· I want to be my own boss. I can’t work under someone. Especially someone who orders me around all the time.
Short Term Goals:
· Lose weight.
· Pass grade 11.
· Learn how to cook and bake.
· Start studying long in advance.
· Stop leaving everything for the last minute.
· Learn how to speak in public.
· Learn how to drive.
· Become a good Muslim.
Medium Term Goals:
· Finish school with excellent results.
· Start my studies at campus.
· Go to the University of Liverpool, Oxford University, University of Dubai, University of Cape Town, WITS, or Raugh.
· Go to the 2010 Soccer World cup.
· Study Chartered Accountancy.
· Become a better Muslim.
Long Term Goals:
· Finish my studies in the field of Chartered Accountancy.
· Start my career.
· Tour the world.
· Move out of South Africa.
· Be one of the most successful women in the world.
· Be extremely rich.
· Have a happily married life with 2 loving kids.
· Have the best private and public life ever.
· Be very professional, sophisticated women.
· Become a good Muslim.
General Term Goals:
· Do charity work.
· Make something out of my life.
· Finish school.
· Finish university and start a career.
· Get married.
· Live a happy life with my husband and 2 kids.
· Have lots and lots of money.
· Settle down in a foreign country.
· Learn how to drive and get my own car.
· Become a good Muslim.
Where do I see myself in 2 years time? (Insha Allah)
I am in grade 11 at the moment. Next year I will be in Matric. I will be finishing my Matric with excellent results. I will be going for a long holiday and only come back the week before I start campus. I will start campus and finish my first year of campus.
Where do I see myself in 5 years time? (Insha Allah)
I will be 22 years old. I will have completed my studies in the field, which I choose to be best for me. Most probably Chartered Accountancy. I will be a very professional, successful and sophisticated businesswoman. I will have toured the world and settled down in a foreign country with my family. I will have my own mansion and I will be living with my parents and siblings. I will have a perfect man in my life and will be planning my perfect wedding and marriage life.
Where do I see myself in 10 years time? (Insha Allah)
I will have a happily married life with 2 small kids. I will be living with my in-laws and will have a perfect relationship with my in-laws. Especially my mother-in-law. I will be having a few of my own businesses and will be living in a palace. My husband will be the most sweetest, loving and caring husband ever. My husband will be a billionaire. I will have the most perfect life with perfect relationships. I will be a successful and professional woman and will maintain all my relationships excellently.
Study Plan:
Where am I currently?
I am currently a scholar at the Roshnee Islamic School. I am in grade 11, standard 9. My subjects are:
· English
· Afrikaans
· Life Orientation
· Mathematics
· Science
· Accounting
· Computer Studies
· Islamic Studies
What are my study goals?
I would like to finish my studies at school next year. In the year 2010, I want do start my career studies in college.
I would like to study at the following universities:
· The University of Liverpool
· Oxford University
· University in Dubai
· University of Cape Town
· University of Witwatersrand
· Raugh
Chartered Accountancy:
Deals with financial matters such as taxation, accounting, estate planning and financial procedures. Prepare and report on financial statements. Advice clients on accounting methods. Specialize in accounting, financial planning, auditing and development of computer financial methods, tax or legal matters. CA needs to know mercantile and company law for handling legal aspects of contracts, estate planning or acting as executors, liquidators, trustees or curators. CA normally advances to positions in top management, such as financial directors.
Graphic Designing:
Concerned with advertising, packaging, publishing, magazine layouts, corporate identity, etc. design book covers, calendars, labels, wrappers, letterheads and trade marks. Must know how to market goods and how to influence public opinion through their designs. Multi-skilled in many technical disciplines, of which a strong drawing ability is the most important. Be able to come up with and implement new ideas, be able to manage time responsibly and intelligently and also be able to communicate ideas to employees and clients.
Fashion Designing:
Designing is one of the most important aspects of the fashion world. Everything revolves around designs. But it is not easy. You need to have a feel for textures and a flair for styles. Color and combination is important. Your minds eye should be able to put it al together before you start on a project. Sketch and drawing is a great help. You need a keen eye for detail.
· Television modeling: modeling before the movie camera, used for television commercials, cinema, video, Internet, etc. Modeling for video or films often include some acting and dancing and is mostly conducted on location. You need a flair for acting for successful television modeling.
· Print modeling: generally pose for still photographs, to be utilized in press advertisements, brochures, magazines, catalogues, calendars, etc. Models for print media have to work along with ad agencies and photographers.
· Showroom modeling: takes place in showrooms. Work generally for exporters, garment manufacturers and big garment retailers to display latest trends of fashion to buyers.
· Ramp or catwalk modeling/ live modeling: requires models to display garments and accessories in front of live audience. At an exhibition, fashion show, showroom or point of purchase. Requires long hours of practice. Requires tremendous confidence and poise. Must have good posture, walking style and body language.
· Advertising modeling: both print and electronic media has equal importance. Used to promote or popularize a product. Appear in press advertisements, posters, television commercials and advertising films. Basic acting skills and photogenic face is a must.
Photography is a unique and creative medium of self-expression. It is an art form requiring aesthetic sense as well as technical expertise. Creating a commercial quality photograph requires the skill for choosing and presenting a subject in a way to achieve maximum effect with appropriate equipment. One should have a definite know how of angle, lighting and latest equipment and technology to make a name in the field.
What career is best for me and why?
At this moment in life, I have no idea what I want to do. Every time I have a different option on a career. I’m totally confused.
Though I think that Chartered Accountancy is the best for me. I always had an interest in Mathematics and Accounting. I love working with numbers. The world is always in need of CA’s. There is also a lot of money in Chartered Accountancy. Therefore, I think I will study CA.
Where am I going to get my money from to study?
· I want to try for a scholarship.
· A bursary.
· Or my parents.
How long will it take to finish my studies?
About 4 to 5 years.
Bcom Honors + CTA + 3 years articles + final qualifying exam (FQE) of Public Accounts and Auditors Board.
What do I have to do to get there?
I will have to study hard and put all my efforts in to make my dreams and wishes come true.
My entry requirements are:
Degree: Senior Certificate with University Pass.
Fitness Plan:
Goal for fitness:
My goal is to be very thin. I wish to lose a lot of weight. I want to be healthy, but I first want to be thin and than start eating properly. I want to exercise regularly and see results really fast. I have an urge to lose a lot of weight. I hate being overweight. I want to be minutely thin. I will achieve my goal!
Dear Brother Yawar Baig.
Asslaamu Alaikum. My name is Humaira Adam Omar. I am a student of the Roshnee Islamic School. I am writing this letter to complement you on your presentation on the Power Of One. I think it was a very inspiring presentation. Mr. Sujee showed it to me in class. It thought me that life is but a journey. I can make a difference if I want to. I don’t need to follow people all the time. I can make my own roads and choose my own routes. I may not always be right, but at least I know that I tried. I want to be known in this world for something good that I did. When I die, I want people to remember and respect me for the difference I made in this world. This presentation has inspired me to chase my dreams and fulfill my wishes. I thank you for your inspiring power point presentation. I hope you have success in your dreams. Once again, Jazaakallah.
Humaira Adam Omar
My name is Humaira Adam Omar. I am currently in grade 11a. I attend Roshnee Islamic School. My view on life is that one should enjoy life. What’s the point of living life if you are too afraid to take any chances? Life is a journey. You should enjoy the ride and you can only do that if you learn to take risks. You never know . . . maybe it could be the best risk you have ever taken. Everyone has dreams. You should learn to fulfill your dreams because nothing comes on a golden platter. You have to work hard to make something out of your life. Don’t give up the first time you try. Every time you fall down, get up and try again. You will definitely succeed. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest. So start enjoying every moment in life. You only live once so make the best of it while you can. Don’t leave things for tomorrow because you never know if tomorrow will ever come. Stop trying to be someone you are not. Learn to be content with what you are. Nobody is perfect. We all have flaws. The key is to stop pointing out our flaws and start looking at our pros. Stop following everyone else. Start making your own choices in life. No one is ugly. Allah made everyone beautiful. We all are beautiful in our own ways. Start making the effort of being happy and happiness will come to you. Nothing is permanent in this world. We all are going to fade away some day or the other. Nothing goes with you to your grave except your deeds. So stop worrying about all the worldly things. It’s not worth it nor is it of any importance.
Personal Lifestyle Plan:
· I’m too lazy
· I’m very shy. I have a fear of public speaking.
· I hate being told what to do and I hate people telling me “no”
· I have a very short temper. I get angry and moody very fast.
· I never do things on time.
· I always postpone things to the last minute.
· I have a problem with thinking on the spot and impromptu speaking.
· I don’t mind experiencing new things. Life is a journey. If I only stick to one same old principle in life, how can I enjoy my life?
· I’m game for anything.
· I learn fast.
· I have big dreams, which I intend to fulfill.
· I create my own styles. I don’t go with old school all the time.
· I’m a girl with quite a few talents.
· I love working with numbers.
· I can multi-task.
· I can go into many fields of studies.
· I’m very broad-minded.
· I’m modern so I won’t have a problem with doing things, which are not against my beliefs and principles.
· I have my parent’s support of pursuing my career.
· Even though I’m very shy, I can make friends very easily.
· I create roads for myself. I don’t follow everyone else’s roads.
· I have a good taste for fashion.
· I can’t talk in public.
· My parents wont allow me to study overseas. They will allow me to study anything, but only in Gauteng.
· I want to be my own boss. I can’t work under someone. Especially someone who orders me around all the time.
Short Term Goals:
· Lose weight.
· Pass grade 11.
· Learn how to cook and bake.
· Start studying long in advance.
· Stop leaving everything for the last minute.
· Learn how to speak in public.
· Learn how to drive.
· Become a good Muslim.
Medium Term Goals:
· Finish school with excellent results.
· Start my studies at campus.
· Go to the University of Liverpool, Oxford University, University of Dubai, University of Cape Town, WITS, or Raugh.
· Go to the 2010 Soccer World cup.
· Study Chartered Accountancy.
· Become a better Muslim.
Long Term Goals:
· Finish my studies in the field of Chartered Accountancy.
· Start my career.
· Tour the world.
· Move out of South Africa.
· Be one of the most successful women in the world.
· Be extremely rich.
· Have a happily married life with 2 loving kids.
· Have the best private and public life ever.
· Be very professional, sophisticated women.
· Become a good Muslim.
General Term Goals:
· Do charity work.
· Make something out of my life.
· Finish school.
· Finish university and start a career.
· Get married.
· Live a happy life with my husband and 2 kids.
· Have lots and lots of money.
· Settle down in a foreign country.
· Learn how to drive and get my own car.
· Become a good Muslim.
Where do I see myself in 2 years time? (Insha Allah)
I am in grade 11 at the moment. Next year I will be in Matric. I will be finishing my Matric with excellent results. I will be going for a long holiday and only come back the week before I start campus. I will start campus and finish my first year of campus.
Where do I see myself in 5 years time? (Insha Allah)
I will be 22 years old. I will have completed my studies in the field, which I choose to be best for me. Most probably Chartered Accountancy. I will be a very professional, successful and sophisticated businesswoman. I will have toured the world and settled down in a foreign country with my family. I will have my own mansion and I will be living with my parents and siblings. I will have a perfect man in my life and will be planning my perfect wedding and marriage life.
Where do I see myself in 10 years time? (Insha Allah)
I will have a happily married life with 2 small kids. I will be living with my in-laws and will have a perfect relationship with my in-laws. Especially my mother-in-law. I will be having a few of my own businesses and will be living in a palace. My husband will be the most sweetest, loving and caring husband ever. My husband will be a billionaire. I will have the most perfect life with perfect relationships. I will be a successful and professional woman and will maintain all my relationships excellently.
Study Plan:
Where am I currently?
I am currently a scholar at the Roshnee Islamic School. I am in grade 11, standard 9. My subjects are:
· English
· Afrikaans
· Life Orientation
· Mathematics
· Science
· Accounting
· Computer Studies
· Islamic Studies
What are my study goals?
I would like to finish my studies at school next year. In the year 2010, I want do start my career studies in college.
I would like to study at the following universities:
· The University of Liverpool
· Oxford University
· University in Dubai
· University of Cape Town
· University of Witwatersrand
· Raugh
Chartered Accountancy:
Deals with financial matters such as taxation, accounting, estate planning and financial procedures. Prepare and report on financial statements. Advice clients on accounting methods. Specialize in accounting, financial planning, auditing and development of computer financial methods, tax or legal matters. CA needs to know mercantile and company law for handling legal aspects of contracts, estate planning or acting as executors, liquidators, trustees or curators. CA normally advances to positions in top management, such as financial directors.
Graphic Designing:
Concerned with advertising, packaging, publishing, magazine layouts, corporate identity, etc. design book covers, calendars, labels, wrappers, letterheads and trade marks. Must know how to market goods and how to influence public opinion through their designs. Multi-skilled in many technical disciplines, of which a strong drawing ability is the most important. Be able to come up with and implement new ideas, be able to manage time responsibly and intelligently and also be able to communicate ideas to employees and clients.
Fashion Designing:
Designing is one of the most important aspects of the fashion world. Everything revolves around designs. But it is not easy. You need to have a feel for textures and a flair for styles. Color and combination is important. Your minds eye should be able to put it al together before you start on a project. Sketch and drawing is a great help. You need a keen eye for detail.
· Television modeling: modeling before the movie camera, used for television commercials, cinema, video, Internet, etc. Modeling for video or films often include some acting and dancing and is mostly conducted on location. You need a flair for acting for successful television modeling.
· Print modeling: generally pose for still photographs, to be utilized in press advertisements, brochures, magazines, catalogues, calendars, etc. Models for print media have to work along with ad agencies and photographers.
· Showroom modeling: takes place in showrooms. Work generally for exporters, garment manufacturers and big garment retailers to display latest trends of fashion to buyers.
· Ramp or catwalk modeling/ live modeling: requires models to display garments and accessories in front of live audience. At an exhibition, fashion show, showroom or point of purchase. Requires long hours of practice. Requires tremendous confidence and poise. Must have good posture, walking style and body language.
· Advertising modeling: both print and electronic media has equal importance. Used to promote or popularize a product. Appear in press advertisements, posters, television commercials and advertising films. Basic acting skills and photogenic face is a must.
Photography is a unique and creative medium of self-expression. It is an art form requiring aesthetic sense as well as technical expertise. Creating a commercial quality photograph requires the skill for choosing and presenting a subject in a way to achieve maximum effect with appropriate equipment. One should have a definite know how of angle, lighting and latest equipment and technology to make a name in the field.
What career is best for me and why?
At this moment in life, I have no idea what I want to do. Every time I have a different option on a career. I’m totally confused.
Though I think that Chartered Accountancy is the best for me. I always had an interest in Mathematics and Accounting. I love working with numbers. The world is always in need of CA’s. There is also a lot of money in Chartered Accountancy. Therefore, I think I will study CA.
Where am I going to get my money from to study?
· I want to try for a scholarship.
· A bursary.
· Or my parents.
How long will it take to finish my studies?
About 4 to 5 years.
Bcom Honors + CTA + 3 years articles + final qualifying exam (FQE) of Public Accounts and Auditors Board.
What do I have to do to get there?
I will have to study hard and put all my efforts in to make my dreams and wishes come true.
My entry requirements are:
Degree: Senior Certificate with University Pass.
Fitness Plan:
Goal for fitness:
My goal is to be very thin. I wish to lose a lot of weight. I want to be healthy, but I first want to be thin and than start eating properly. I want to exercise regularly and see results really fast. I have an urge to lose a lot of weight. I hate being overweight. I want to be minutely thin. I will achieve my goal!
Dear Brother Yawar Baig.
Asslaamu Alaikum. My name is Humaira Adam Omar. I am a student of the Roshnee Islamic School. I am writing this letter to complement you on your presentation on the Power Of One. I think it was a very inspiring presentation. Mr. Sujee showed it to me in class. It thought me that life is but a journey. I can make a difference if I want to. I don’t need to follow people all the time. I can make my own roads and choose my own routes. I may not always be right, but at least I know that I tried. I want to be known in this world for something good that I did. When I die, I want people to remember and respect me for the difference I made in this world. This presentation has inspired me to chase my dreams and fulfill my wishes. I thank you for your inspiring power point presentation. I hope you have success in your dreams. Once again, Jazaakallah.
Humaira Adam Omar
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Good Night, Sleep Tight. Don't Let The Bedbugs Bite-speech
Good Night, Sleep Tight. Don’t Let The Bedbugs Bite.
The clock has struck 12. Everyone is fast asleep. Some are snoring. Some are even drooling. Have you ever heard someone say, “I sleep like I’m dead?” They are not lying. It is said that when a person is sleeping their soul is lifted out of their bodies so they are, well DEAD!!!
Assaalamu Alaikum. Today I will be speaking about the place where all our dreams are made and our wishes are fulfilled.
Dreamland by Lewis Carroll. When asleep, one has a dream where the most handsome, richest, sweet, loving and caring guy appears before you. The perfect guy that only appears in dreams because in reality it is IMPOSSIBLE to find such a perfect guy. Or a nightmare, where things with burned faces and creepy crawly creatures straight out of the exorcist are haunting you and that’s when “oops, mummy I think I wet my bed” happens. But it is here in dreamland center that we are reporting from and no creepy crawly creatures or people with burned faces can spoil our dreams tonight. No beds are going to be wetted tonight either. “But here, in Dreamland’s center, No spoiler’s hand may enter, These visions fair, this radiance rare, Shall never pass away.” Tonight is the night that no dream would be left unfulfilled. We shall try to make every POSSIBLE dream come true. That is what dreamland is all about. Fulfilling your dreams, but remember that every dream is only possible if you make the effort of turning your dream into reality. Nothing comes to you on a golden platter. You have to work hard to achieve your goals and fulfill your dreams.
You see yourself 10 years from now driving the latest car, wearing the latest clothes, parading the Dubai malls with the shiniest jewelry and everything you ever wished for. All everyone sees on you is Bling Bling. But only to realize that it was just another sweet dream. “The blaze of noonday splendor, The twilight soft and tender, May charm the eye: yet they shall die, Shall die and pass away.” But today I shall take that step, the step to success and make all my dreams and wishes come true, because tomorrow you can pinch me as hard as possible and I will know that I won’t be dreaming. I will turn all my dreams into reality because I have the power to make my dreams come true. This will be my destiny, my reality, my life. Sweet visions, sweet missions, sweet victory. “I see the shadows falling, The forms of old recalling:”
I believe that life without dreams is life without a purpose. Everyone has to have a dream. A wish that they want to fulfill. Dreams unify the mind, body and spirit. It provides you with insight into yourself and a means for self-exploration. So how exactly can one not have any dreams? Impossible.
I end off by saying: just live off your dreams. Start moving beyond dreamland. Reach for your dreams even if it means reaching for the stars.
Oh and by the way, sweet dreams to all.
The clock has struck 12. Everyone is fast asleep. Some are snoring. Some are even drooling. Have you ever heard someone say, “I sleep like I’m dead?” They are not lying. It is said that when a person is sleeping their soul is lifted out of their bodies so they are, well DEAD!!!
Assaalamu Alaikum. Today I will be speaking about the place where all our dreams are made and our wishes are fulfilled.
Dreamland by Lewis Carroll. When asleep, one has a dream where the most handsome, richest, sweet, loving and caring guy appears before you. The perfect guy that only appears in dreams because in reality it is IMPOSSIBLE to find such a perfect guy. Or a nightmare, where things with burned faces and creepy crawly creatures straight out of the exorcist are haunting you and that’s when “oops, mummy I think I wet my bed” happens. But it is here in dreamland center that we are reporting from and no creepy crawly creatures or people with burned faces can spoil our dreams tonight. No beds are going to be wetted tonight either. “But here, in Dreamland’s center, No spoiler’s hand may enter, These visions fair, this radiance rare, Shall never pass away.” Tonight is the night that no dream would be left unfulfilled. We shall try to make every POSSIBLE dream come true. That is what dreamland is all about. Fulfilling your dreams, but remember that every dream is only possible if you make the effort of turning your dream into reality. Nothing comes to you on a golden platter. You have to work hard to achieve your goals and fulfill your dreams.
You see yourself 10 years from now driving the latest car, wearing the latest clothes, parading the Dubai malls with the shiniest jewelry and everything you ever wished for. All everyone sees on you is Bling Bling. But only to realize that it was just another sweet dream. “The blaze of noonday splendor, The twilight soft and tender, May charm the eye: yet they shall die, Shall die and pass away.” But today I shall take that step, the step to success and make all my dreams and wishes come true, because tomorrow you can pinch me as hard as possible and I will know that I won’t be dreaming. I will turn all my dreams into reality because I have the power to make my dreams come true. This will be my destiny, my reality, my life. Sweet visions, sweet missions, sweet victory. “I see the shadows falling, The forms of old recalling:”
I believe that life without dreams is life without a purpose. Everyone has to have a dream. A wish that they want to fulfill. Dreams unify the mind, body and spirit. It provides you with insight into yourself and a means for self-exploration. So how exactly can one not have any dreams? Impossible.
I end off by saying: just live off your dreams. Start moving beyond dreamland. Reach for your dreams even if it means reaching for the stars.
Oh and by the way, sweet dreams to all.
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