Friday, February 1, 2008

The Legacy

18 January 2008
Writing portfolio: Task 1
Max marks: 50
Draft due date: 25 January 2008
Length: 450-500 words
Help Through Memory Lane

On a dark, rainy night, Humaira woke-up with a vision. An eagerness to create something to help the people. Something, which will be used for centuries to come. She suddenly had the urge to want to build a machine. Such machines that will help people who have lost their memories and people with amnesia recall their past. The “Memory Machine.”

Humaira went through sleepless days and nights trying to create her masterpiece. With coffee in one hand and the pen in the other, she wrote and wrote . . . ideas were flowing in her head. Her small apartment was filled with notes and scraps, what we would call “junk.” Little did we know
that these scraps are now helping the world in many ways?

Finally! The notes were finally making sense. Her dream project will soon turn into reality. Now, all she needed was raw materials, metals, wire and other cheap building equipment. Humaira had to leave her job to finish up this project. That was a chance she had to take. Every morning, Humaira would get up early and go to junkyards and factories to collect scrap materials. Most of the time the factories would give her their scraps for free as they were going to throw it away

The time has come for Humaira to put her notes in use and build the machine. Months went by with one disaster after anther. It was practically impossible to build such a machine without the help
of modern technology. Yet, Humaira did not give up. She tried and tried until the machine started working. A months of hard work, her machine was finally ready . . . . but it was not complete. It lacked something. Something that will apply such a pressure on the human brain that it will be forced to remember everything.

All she needed was a microchip, which she got after a lot of hard work. Now, all Humaira needed to do was rebuild it with the microchip. After a few weeks her memory machine was ready.

In a few months time Humaira was worldly recognized. Her legacy was inaugurated. Humaira Adam Omar has become a legend. People were able to remember their entire childhood. Their
phases of growing up and every minor detail form the time they entered this world.

No one could believe that someone so young could build such an extraordinary machine with so little building materials. People her age are only starting to figure out their true qualities and starting a career. And here was Humaira, a teenager who created a world known legacy. She used all the scraps and raw materials she could find to build this machine. She built her
extraordinary machine from nothing.

It was amazing how an ordinary 18-year-old teenager became such a legend overnight. Over eighty years down the line, she is still remembered and honored for her memory machine. Hospitals have been using it for years to help people with amnesia. Humaira has unselfishly helped the world in many ways. May she be blessed always.

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